火成巖 igneous rock
變質(zhì)巖 metamorphic rock
沉積巖 sedimentary rock
碎屑沉積巖 clastic sedimentary rock
化學(xué)沉積巖 chemical sedimentary rock
巖石結(jié)構(gòu) rock texture
巖石構(gòu)造 rock structure
巖層 rock stratum
層理 bedding
水平層理 horizontal bedding
波狀層理 wavy bedding
交錯層理 cross bedding
沉積旋回 sedimentary cycle
正旋回 normal cycle
反旋回 inverse cycle
復(fù)合旋回 complex cycle
沉積韻律 sedimentary rhythm
沉積相 sedimentary facies
開發(fā)層系 series of development strata
油層組 oil layer group
砂層組 sands group
小層 single layer
油砂體 oil sandbody
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)層 index bed
輔助標(biāo)準(zhǔn)層 auxiliary key horizon
標(biāo)志層 key bed
地層缺失 stratum loss
地層尖滅 pinch out
地層超覆 strata overlap
構(gòu)造地質(zhì) structural geology
地層產(chǎn)狀 formation occurrence
地層走向formation strike
地層傾向 dip direction
地層傾角 dip angle
斷層 fault
斷層面 fault surface
斷層線 fault line
正斷層 normal fault
斷距 fault throw
地壘 horst
地塹 graben
正牽引 normal draw
鼻狀構(gòu)造 nosing structure
裂縫 fracture
油層物性 petrophysical property
總孔隙度 bulk porosity
滲透率 permeability
孔隙喉道 pore throat
滲透率變異系數(shù) permeability variation coefficient
層內(nèi)非均質(zhì)innerbeded heterogeneity
隔層 barrier layer
粘土礦物 clay mineral
疊偏剖面 stacked-migrated section
偏移疊加剖面 migrated-stacked section
水平切片 horizontal slice
波阻抗剖面 acoustic impedance section
層速度剖面 layer velocity section
一步三維偏移 one-step 3D-migration
信噪比 signal to noise ratio
波阻抗 acoustic impedance
波組 wave group
合成地震記錄 synthetic seismogram
層位標(biāo)定 level calibration
AVO技術(shù) AVOtechnique
測井 well logging
開發(fā)測井 development well logging
感應(yīng)測井 induction logging
巖石體積模型 model of bulk-volume rock
物質(zhì)平衡方程 material balance equation
泥質(zhì)砂巖模型 shaly sandstone model
雙水模型 dual water model
地層電阻率因子 formation resistivity factor
電阻率指數(shù) resistivity index
巖石骨架識別圖 matrix identification plot
測井資料歸一化 log data normalization
測井相分析 electrofacies
截止值 cut-off values
東支裂谷帶 East Rift Belt
東非大裂谷 Great Rift Valley
地殼斷裂運(yùn)動 crustal facture movement
阿拉伯古陸塊 ancient Arab Continental Drift
大陸漂移 continental drift
抬升 upraise
地幔物質(zhì)mantle material
裂谷rift valley
地下熔巖 underground lava
熔巖高原 lava plateau
跌水 hydraulic drop
水頭 waterhead
落差 throw
基巖 bedrock
河中小島 river island
沖洪積層 diluvium
引水渠 diversion canal
邊坡坡度 slope gradient
壓力鋼管 penstock
陡坡 abrupt slope
壓力前池 pressure forebay, forebay
殘積層 residual layer
片麻巖 gneiss
花崗巖 granite
后緣 trailing edge
沖溝 Gully
花崗巖 granite
測量 Survey
壩址 damsite
地形圖 Topographic map
圖根點(diǎn) mapping base point
水準(zhǔn)測量聯(lián)測 leveling simultaneous detection
勘探點(diǎn) exploratory point
地質(zhì)測繪 Geological mapping
料場 stockyard
巖土 ground
比例尺 scale
剖面地質(zhì)測繪 Profile geological mapping
槽探 trenching
巖芯 rock core
鉆探 Drilling
巖體 rock mass
風(fēng)化 weathering
透水率 water permeability
攔河壩 Barrage
弱風(fēng)化 moderate weathering
巖石層 lithosphere
底板 baseboard
高程 elevation
勘探線 exploration line
鎮(zhèn)墩 anchored pier
發(fā)電機(jī)組 generator unit
邊線 side boundary
副廠房 auxiliary powerhouse
鉆孔 drilling hole
尾水渠 Tailrace
石料場 Quarry
巖性 lithology
物理力學(xué) physical and mechanical
土工試驗(yàn) soil test
擾動土樣 disturbed soil sample
擊實(shí)試驗(yàn) compaction test
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貫入試驗(yàn) standard penetration test
堿活性試驗(yàn) basic activity test
顆粒分析 particle size analysis
砂礫料 sand and gravel material
初見水位 initial water level
穩(wěn)定水位 fixed level
接觸界面 contact interface
地質(zhì)測繪 Surveying and mapping for geology
工作量 Work amount
進(jìn)水口 Water intake
進(jìn)口段 inducer
中墩 central pier
單孔尺寸 single- orifice size
攔污柵 trash rack
斷面 cross-section
鋼筋混凝土 reinforced concrete
沉砂池 grit chamber
渠頂 canal crest
縱坡 longitudinal slope
土質(zhì) soil texture
噴混凝土襯砌 sprayed concrete lining
排水溝 drainage ditch
截水溝 intercepting ditch
回填段 backfill section
沉降縫 settlement joint
伸縮縫 expansion joint
放空管 blow-down pipe
工作平臺 working platform
抓斗 grab bucket
沖沙孔 sand sluice
蝶閥 butterfly valve
岔管段 bifurcation section
支墩 buttresses
進(jìn)人孔 manhole
卜型岔管 Y-shaped” bifurcated pipe
外包 outsourcing
裝機(jī)容量 installed capacity
圍堰 cofferdam
防滲心墻 watertight core
現(xiàn)場 on-site
土石方 Earth-stone work
卷?xiàng)顧C(jī) winding engine
恩佐亞河 Nzoia River
預(yù)制場 precast yard
炸藥庫 Explosive magazine
挖掘機(jī) Excavator
裝載機(jī) Loader
推土機(jī) Bulldozer
振動碾 Vibrating roller
蛙式打夯機(jī) Frog hammer
潛孔鉆 down-hole drill
手持式風(fēng)鉆 Jackhammer
骨料 Aggregate
破碎系統(tǒng) crushing system
自卸汽車 Dumper
翻斗車 Tilting cart
插入式振搗器 Immersion vibrator
平板式 flat-plate
砂漿攪拌 機(jī)Mortar mixer
鋼筋切斷機(jī) Reinforcing steel cutter
鋼筋彎曲機(jī) Steel bar bender
噴射機(jī) Shotcrete machine
全站儀 Total station
龍門吊 Gantry crane
塔吊 Tower crane
汽車起重機(jī) Autocrane
平板拖車 Platform trailer
鍛壓 forging and pressing
三輥卷板機(jī) Three-roller plate roll
噴涂機(jī) Coating machine
空壓機(jī) Air compressor
粗糙度樣塊 Sample piece for roughness
涂層測厚儀 Coating thickness gauge
焊條烘干箱 Welding rod drying box
大直流焊機(jī) Large DC welding machine
交流焊機(jī) AC welding machine
氣割機(jī) gas cutting machine
縱縫矯正機(jī) Longitudinal joint straightening machine
手拉葫蘆 Chain block
油壓校正彎曲機(jī) Oil pressure calibration bending machine
刨邊機(jī) Edge planer
坡口加工機(jī) Edge preparation machine
臺式砂輪機(jī) Bench grinder
手機(jī)砂輪機(jī) Manual grinding machine
角磨機(jī) Angle grinder
加勁環(huán)自動角焊縫跟蹤儀 Stiffening ring automatic angle weld joint tracker
扭力板手 Torque wrench
普通車床 Center lathe
牛頭刨床 Shaping machine
水準(zhǔn)儀 Level instrument
超聲波探傷儀 Ultrasonic fault detector
錨桿 Bolt
風(fēng)鉆工 Air driller
挖車司機(jī) Excavator driver
砼工 Concrete worker
鋼筋工 Bar placer
模板工 Form fixer
炮工 Blaster
安裝人員 installation personnel
砼拌合系統(tǒng) concrete mixing system
Y型流域分叉口 Y-shaped basin fork
平面圖 plan sketch
土方明挖 Open earthwork excavation
反鏟 backacting shovel
手風(fēng)鉆 hand pneumatic drill
放樣 staking out
出渣 Slag tapping
溜槽 chute
澆筑 pouring
滑模 slide formwork
鋼筋 reinforcement bar
側(cè)模 side formwork
坡肩 slope shoulder
坡腳 slope toe
插入式振搗棒 mmersion vibrator
支承環(huán) support ring
砼施工 concrete construction
碳素鋼 carbon steel
低合金鋼 low alloy steel
抽風(fēng)排煙機(jī) air draft fume extractor
厚漿型 high-build
環(huán)氧瀝青漆 bituminous epoxy paint
噴丸 shot blasting
柔性防護(hù)網(wǎng) flexible protective screening
土建 Civil engineering
金結(jié) Hydromechanical
麻袋土 Bag soil
止水銅片 Water Stooping Copper
排水花管 drainage pipe
無紡織布 Adhesive-bonded fabric
水工鋼材 Hydraulic steel
鋁合金窗 Aluminum alloy window
柵葉 Rack leaf
控制閘 control gate
柵槽 Rack slot
尾水 Tail water
水輪機(jī) Water turbine
透平油 Turbine oil
重錘式 Weight-loaded
進(jìn)水蝶閥 water inlet butterfly valve
法蘭 flange
斷路器柜 circuit breaker cabinet
電壓互感器 Voltage mutual inductor
阻燃聚氯乙烯絕緣護(hù)套 inflaming retarding PVC insulating sheath
預(yù)埋管 embedded pipe
接地 Grounding
熱鍍鋅扁鋼 Hot dip galvanized flat steel
銅絞線 Copper stranded conductor
光纖以太網(wǎng) fiber optic Ethernet
彩色噴墨打印機(jī) color ink jet printer
黑白針式打印機(jī) black and white stylus printer
閥控式鉛酸蓄電池 valve control type lead-acid battery
交換機(jī) exchanger
話務(wù)臺 Attendant console
載波機(jī) Carrier equipment
端子箱 terminal box
暖通部分 Heating and ventilation part
壁式軸流風(fēng)機(jī) Wall type axial flow fan
防爆 Explosion-proof
換氣扇 ventilator
柜式分體 Cabinet type separated
風(fēng)口 tuyere
止回閥 Check valve
開工 Start
預(yù)付款 Prepayments
履約保函 Performance guarantee
保留金 Retention money
中國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
業(yè)主 owner
混流式水輪發(fā)電機(jī) Francis turbine generator
電氣一次設(shè)備 primary electrical equipment
暖通系統(tǒng) HVAC system
試運(yùn)行 trial operation
調(diào)試 Commissioning
采購部Procurement department
綜合部General affairs department
起重運(yùn)輸隊(duì)Lifting and transport team
人員計(jì)劃Personnel Plan
分管經(jīng)理Manager in charge
部門主管Department chief
專業(yè)工程師Discipline engineer
熟練工Skilled worker
非熟練工Unskilled worker
物資倉庫material storehouse
堆放區(qū)stacking area
乙炔房acetylene room
保溫庫Heat preservation storehouse
配電室Distribution room
簡易棚庫Simple shed storehouse
排水溝Drainage ditch
生活營地Living camp
空壓機(jī)air compressor
氣包Air bag
閘閥Gate valve
文明施工標(biāo)示牌Civilized construction sign
軸流通風(fēng)機(jī)Axial-flow fan
干粉滅火器dry powder fire extinguisher
消防鏟Fire shovel
防毒面具Gas mask
編織袋Braided bag
防汛flood control
露天堆放場open-air storage yard
軸線shaft line
主廠房main power house
計(jì)量系統(tǒng)metering system
小貨車Small truck
大客車Motor coach
輕型客車Light bus
溫控儀temperature controller
焊條烘箱Electrode oven
電動套絲機(jī)Electric threading machine
電動彎管機(jī)Electric pipe bending machine
座式砂輪機(jī)Pedestal grinder
砂輪切割機(jī)Abrasive wheel cutting machine
臺 鉆Bench drill
磁力電鉆Magnetic drill
行燈變壓器Hand lamp transformer
壓線鉗Crimping tool
放線架Pay-off rack
干燥空氣發(fā)生機(jī)Dry air generator
導(dǎo)線壓接機(jī)Wire crimping machine
手動試壓泵Hand-operating test pump
真空泵Vacuum pump
潛水泵Immersible pump
板柜式加壓濾油機(jī)Cabinet type pressurized oil filter
軸流風(fēng)機(jī)Axial-flow fan
經(jīng) 緯 儀Theodolite
水 準(zhǔn) 儀Level
超聲探傷儀Ultrasonic flaw detector
主梁main girder
小車架 trolley frame
聯(lián)調(diào)joint commissioning
橋機(jī)bridge crane
安全交底會safety disclosure meeting
大車行走機(jī)構(gòu)cart travelling mechanism
整體吊裝Integral lifting
定滑輪組fixed pulley block
靜載荷Static load
動載Dynamic load
暫載率duty cycle
尾水管里襯tail water tube lining
座環(huán)bottom ring
蝸殼spiral casing
機(jī)坑里襯pit lining
導(dǎo)葉接力器guide vane servomotor
機(jī)坑 pit
導(dǎo)葉guide vane
中心基準(zhǔn)點(diǎn)center reference point
測放measurement and setting out
肘管tube elbow
底環(huán) bottom ring
止漏環(huán)sealing ring
端面間隙end clearance
立面間隙vertical clearance
環(huán)形吊車ring crane
水車室water wheel chamber
壓油罐pressure oil tank
回油箱return oil tank
漏油箱oil drain tank
主配壓閥main pressure control valve
透平油turbine oil
調(diào)速系統(tǒng)speed governing system
下機(jī)架lower rack
上機(jī)架upper rack
耐壓試驗(yàn)pressure test
風(fēng)閘air brake
集電環(huán)collecting ring
上導(dǎo)軸頸upper guide shaft journal,
絕緣油insulating oil
二次配接線secondary wiring
現(xiàn)場傳授on-site teaching
場內(nèi)外inside and outside of the field
砂石加工aggregate processing
坡面slope surface
棄料場Aabandoned material yard
混凝土料場concrete stockyard
防腐處理車間anti-corrosion treatment plant
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