A 、色牢度試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目 colour fastness tests
皂洗牢度 washing 摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking 汗?jié)n牢度 perspiration 干洗牢度 drycleaning 光照牢度 light 水漬牢度 water 氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting 非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach 漂白 bleaching 實(shí)際洗滌(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash) 氯化水chlorinated water 含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water 海水 sea-water 酸斑 acid spotting 堿斑 alkaline spotting 水斑 water spotting 有機(jī)溶劑 organic solvent 煮呢 potting 濕態(tài)光牢度 wet light 染料轉(zhuǎn)移 dye transfer 熱(干態(tài)) dry heat 熱壓 hot pressing 印花牢度 print durability 臭氧 ozone 煙熏 burnt gas fumes 由酚類引起的黃化 phenolic yellowing 唾液及汗液 saliva and perspiration
B、尺寸穩(wěn)定性(縮水率)及有關(guān)試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目(織物和成衣)DIMENSIONALSTABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT)
皂洗尺寸穩(wěn)定性 dimensionalstability to washing (washing shrinkage) 洗滌/手洗后的外觀 appearance after laundering / hand wash 熱尺寸穩(wěn)定性 dimensional stability to heating 熨燙后外觀appearance after ironing 商業(yè)干洗穩(wěn)定性 dimensional stabilityto commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage) 商業(yè)干洗后外觀(外觀保持性) appearance after commercialdrycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸穩(wěn)定性 dimensionalstability to steaming 松弛及氈化 dimensional stabilty torelaxation and felting 縫紉線形穩(wěn)定性 dimensional stabilityfor sewing thread
C 、強(qiáng)力試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目STRENGTH TESTS
拉伸強(qiáng)力 tensile strength 撕破強(qiáng)力 tear strength 頂破強(qiáng)力 bursting strength 接縫性能 seam properties 雙層織物的結(jié)合強(qiáng)力 bonding strengthof laminated fabric 涂層織物的粘合強(qiáng)力 adhesion strength ofcoated fabric 單紗強(qiáng)力 single thread strength 縷紗強(qiáng)力 lea strength 鉤接強(qiáng)力 loop strength 纖維和紗的韌性 tenacity of fibres and yarn
D、織物機(jī)構(gòu)測試項(xiàng)目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS
織物密度(機(jī)織物) threads perunit length (woven fabric construction) 織物密度(針織物)stitch density (knittted fabric) 紗線支數(shù) counts of yarn 紗線纖度(原樣) denier counts as received 織物幅寬 fabric width 織物克重 fabric weight 針織物線圈長度 looplength of knitted fabric 紗線卷曲或織縮率 crimp or take-up ofyarn 割絨種類 type of cut pile 織造種類type of weave 梭織物緯向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewedfabrics (report as received and after one wash) 圈長比terry to ground ratio 織物厚度 fabric thickness
纖維成分 fibre composition 染料識(shí)別 dyestuff identification靛藍(lán)染料純度 purity of indigo 含水率moisture content 可萃取物質(zhì) extractable matter 填充料和雜質(zhì)含量 filling and foreign matter content 淀粉含量starch content 甲醛含量 formaldehyde content 甲醛樹脂 presence of formaldehyde resin 棉絲光度mercerisation in cotton PH 值 PH value 水能性 absorbance
F、 可燃性試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目FLAMMABILITY TESTS
普通織物的燃燒性能flammability of general clothing textiles 布料的燃燒速率(45°角) burning rate of cloth (45°angle) 瑞典成衣燃燒性能 Sweden fire properties of apparel textile
G、織物性能試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目FABRIC FERFORMANCE TESTS
耐磨性 abrasionresistance 抗起毛起球性 pilling resistance 拒水性 water repellency 抗水性 water resistance 折痕回復(fù)力 wrinkle recovery 布料硬挺度 fabric stiffness 彈性及回復(fù)力 stretch & recovery
羽絨成分分析 composition analysis 膨松度 filling power 雜色毛和絨的比例 black tip 填充料的凈重量 new weight (conditioned)of filling material 含水率 moisture content 溶劑可溶物的測定 determination of solvent solube 酸度 acidity 好氧指數(shù) oxygen number 清潔度 turbidity test 羽絨布防漏性 penetration resistance of cloth to feather & down
洗滌后外觀 appearanc after laundering 貯存后外觀 appearanceafter storage 耐燙性能 resistance to ironing 拉鏈強(qiáng)力 zipper strength 拉鏈的往復(fù)性 reciprocating test 拉鏈耐用性 durability of zipper 拉鏈的使用性能 operability ofzipper 魔術(shù)貼剪力 shear strength of hooks & loopsfastener (velcro tape) 魔術(shù)貼撕離力 peeling strength of hooks& loops fastener (velcro tape) 魔術(shù)貼分合 consecutiveadhere/ separation exercising on hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape) 金屬拋光物的銹蝕/變色試驗(yàn) corrosion / tarnish test on metallic finishes按鈕分開強(qiáng)力 unsnapping og snap fasteners 金屬鈕扣、鉚鈕的緊固試驗(yàn) security of metallics buttons, rivets, ets. 按鈕的緊固試驗(yàn) security of snap button 鈕扣強(qiáng)力 strength ofbuttons 耐洗液腐蝕性 resistance to wash liquor 耐干洗溶劑腐蝕性 resistance to drycleaning solvents 鈕扣撞擊測試button impact test 鈕扣拉力試驗(yàn) button tension test 鈕扣鈕力試驗(yàn) button torque test 按鈕附著力 snap attachmentstrength 裝飾物附著力 trim attachment strength
J 、其他紡織品測試項(xiàng)目OTHER TEXTILE TESTS
適當(dāng)試驗(yàn)后推薦護(hù)理標(biāo)簽 careinstruction/label recommendation after appropriate testing (testing chargesexcluded) 成衣尺寸測量 garment size measurement 硫化染料染色的紡織品的加速老化 accelerated ageing of sulphur-dyed textiles 色差判定 colour difference assessment
K 、纖維和紗的試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目FIBRE & TESTS
短纖維長度 fibre staplelength 線形密度 linear density 纖維直徑fibre diameter 單根纖維強(qiáng)力 single fibre strength 纖維韌性 tenacity of fibre 紗支 yarn count 紗線纖度(原樣) denier count as received 連續(xù)或非連續(xù)纖維的識(shí)別 identification of continuous/ discontinuous fibres 每卷經(jīng)紗長 length of thread per roll 紗線凈重 net weightof thread 單紗強(qiáng)力 single thread strength 絞紗強(qiáng)力 lea strength 線圈強(qiáng)力 loop strength 紗線韌性 tenacity of yarn 紗捻度 twist per unit
重量 weight 厚度 thickness 纖維含量 fibre content 樹脂含量 resin content 壓縮與回復(fù)試驗(yàn) compresssion andresilience test 樣品分析前準(zhǔn)備 sample dissection for analysispreparation 皂洗尺寸穩(wěn)定性 dimensional stability to washing 機(jī)洗/水洗后的外觀 appearance after laundering / handwash
M、地毯試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目CARPET TESTS
摩擦色牢度 colour fastnessto rubbing 光照色牢度 colour fastness to light 水漬色牢度 colour fastness to water 毛束聯(lián)結(jié)牢度 tuftwithdrawal force (tuft bind) 毛束經(jīng)密度 pitches per unitlength 毛束緯密度 rows per unit length 底布密度 threads per unit length of backing 單位面積重量weight per unit area 表面毛絨密度(只做單層毛毯) surface piledensity (single level pile carpet only) 起絨紗股數(shù) ply ofpile yarn 割絨種類 type of cut pile 毛絨或毛圈長度 pile or loop length 毛絨或底部的纖維成分 fibrecomposition of pile & back
一、干洗 Dry Cleaning
一般干洗 dryclean 專業(yè)干洗 Professionally Dryclean 商業(yè)干洗 Commercially Dryclean 以干洗為最佳 DrycleanningRecommened 短干洗周期 Short Cycle 干洗劑抽脫時(shí)間最短 Minimum Extraction 低水分 Reduced or LowMoisture 干洗過程中不可加水分 No water In System 不可用蒸汽 No Steam
二、水洗 Washing
可機(jī)洗 Machine Washable
不可水洗 Do not Wash
不可商業(yè)洗滌 Do not have Commercially Launder
可用家庭式洗滌Home Launder
手洗 Hand Wash
手洗不可搓壓 Hand Wash do not Rub
冷水洗 Cold Wash
溫水洗 Warm Wash
熱水洗 Hot Wash
不可水煮 Do not Boil
少洗衣量 Small Load
溫和洗衣程序 Delicate/Gentle Cycle 持久壓力程序 Durable PressCycle /Permanent 分開洗滌 Wash Separately
可與類似色衣物同時(shí)洗滌 With Like Color 與深色衣物分開洗滌 Wash Dark ColorSeparetely 翻出底面洗滌 Wash Inside Out 不可擰干 No Wring/ Do not Wring 不可擰絞 No Twist/ Donot Twist 溫水清洗 Warm Rinse 冷水清洗Cold Rinse 徹底清洗 Rinse Thoroughly 不可脫水 No Spin/ Do not Spin
普通旋轉(zhuǎn)速度脫水 Normal Spin
較短較慢程序脫水 Reduced Spin 不可浸泡 Do not Soak 只可用皂片 Use Pure Soap Flake only 只可抹洗或擦洗 Damp Wipeonly
三、漂白 Bleaching
需要時(shí)漂白 Bleaching when Needed 不可漂白 No bleach / Donot Bleach 只可用非氯性漂白劑 Only Non-Chlorine Bleach
四、干衣 Drying
滴干 Drip Dry 掛干 Line Dry 蔭涼掛干 Line Dry in Shade 避熱掛干 Line Dry away fromHeat 用烘干機(jī)烘干 Tumble Dry 用烘干機(jī)中溫烘干Tumble Warm 用烘干機(jī)低溫烘干 Tumble Cool 平鋪曬干 Flat Dry 定位干衣 Block to Dry 用蒸汽烘干 Steam Dry 不用蒸汽 No Steam / Do not Steam 風(fēng)柜吹干 Cabinet Dry Cool
五、熨燙 Ironing and Pressing
熱燙 Hot Iron 溫燙 Warm Iron 低溫燙 Cold Iron 不可熨 Do not Iron 反面熨 Iron on Wrong Side 用蒸汽熨燙 Steam Press/Iron 在濕潤時(shí)熨燙 Iron Damp 用布間隔熨燙 Use Press Cloth
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