紅燈籠雪容融(Shuey Rhon Rhon)
Known in Chinese as 雪容融 (pinyin: xue rong rong), the name roughly translates to snow mascot. The meaning behind the name however, is far more significant. In the Chinese language, 雪 (xue) means snow and 容融 (rong rong) has a treble meaning of inclusion, tolerance and integration, perhaps the most important characteristics to define the Paralympics and to spread awareness on embracing and including those with disabilities.
中文名稱雪容融(拼音:xue rong rong)大致的意思是雪的吉祥物。然而,這個名字背后的含義更加重要。在中文里,雪(xue)是指白雪,容融(rong rong)有包容、寬容和交流互鑒三重含義,這也許是定義殘奧會并傳播接納和包容殘疾人理念ZUI重要的特性。
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